Creating functional competency framework for the R&D function of one of the largest Auto major in India


  • Develop the functional competency framework design which could be deployed across all major COEs of the R&D.
  • Pilot to be implemented across 4 + 4 COEs
  • Build internal capability on the application of the process leveraging tools and templates


  • Understand the scope and nature of the work done by the COEs
  • Develop the progression of complexity grid which captured the increase in complexity and the Knowledge and Skill required
  • Create broad buckets or functional competency clusters which would be replicated across the other COEs with little modification
  • Joint team comprising client and consultant worked closely to enable knowledge and skill transfer


  • The framework developed was replicated across all the COEs (remaining) by the core client team trained to apply the framework

Critical Success Factor- Close coordination and working along with the robustness of the framework, contributed to the success