Vision and value intervention for a family led manufacturing group


  • Setting and communicating overall organizational direction for the top team
  • Creating and agreeing on an organizational framework which enables decision making linked to critical/strategic decisions involving trade-offs
  • Setting foundation for deep conversations specially within the Executive team comprising of family members and other professionals
  • Building alignment of the old guard and the new generation in the top team


  • Psychometric profiling of top team to assess dispositions
  • A 2- days Vision and Values process was designed using the principles of Appreciative Inquiry and Dialoguing
  • Briefing the Chairman and select top team members prior to the process about their roles
  • The design included visualization techniques, discovering, debating and agreeing core passion and capability areas of the organization and providing feedback with respect to “helping and hindering” behaviors
  • Discover blind spots in terms of strength and development areas while living the Vision and Values


  • Creation of Organization Vision and Values
  • Identifying and allocating 5 Strategic Themes to Executive team members linked to the realization of Organization Vision
  • Creation of top 3 critical helping and hindering behaviors for each executive team member

Critical Success Factor – Coaching the MD to play a vocal and closure oriented role during the process